Composition and maintenance of large scale mechanism charcoal equipment

Composition and maintenance of large scale mechanism charcoal equipment
The mechanism of large scale charcoal equipment can be roughly divided into several parts, the first is the mill equipment, the main purpose of the machine is to process the raw materials of charcoal crushing treatment,A reed, branches, crushing particle size is less than 3mm, crusher counterattack plate and plate hammer clearance to facilitate the adjustment, effective control of the particle size,Particle shape, so as to achieve the processing mechanism of charcoal conditions,The second part is the dryer equipment, because the raw materials have a certain moisture, you must first put the material drying, water requirements below fifteen percent, so that the mechanism charcoal produced no cracks, and not easy to break, the fire can be drying gasification furnace supply,Direct air flow method is the use of high efficiency of heat transfer and mass transfer of gas and solid cyclone drying technology research and development of our own design and development of a full automatic production line, drying a variety of raw materials for the production of biomass significantly,The third part is the great machine, the rod making machine is used for molding, bar specifications for 480mm in length, 50mm in diameter, inside the hole in the center for 22mm, the main motor is 22KW per hour processing more than and 200 kg bar, the bar making machine speed, no pollution, the quality of each component system a bar machine are directly influenced by the forming effect,For example, the electrical equipment supporting technology, whether the main components of the use of high carbon steel, especially on the use of the main components of the rod thruster, it is like the heart of the rod making machine, the required material is stainless steel,Fourth most of the most important, that is, smokeless carbonization furnace, the furnace is the main purpose of the formation of the stick after the carbonization, carbonization can become the mechanism of charcoal, carbonization is the last link, it is essential,Smokeless carbonization furnace flue gas recovery device on the basis of the original increase in carbonization furnace, flue gas recovery can be achieved after clean but must be smoke-free, according to the procedures to do in the mode of operation, the cross bar placed in the carbonization furnace door to be locked and sealed, because the carbonization is working in anaerobic strong state. Such as closed lax can lead to failure and cause a fire.